RSForm! PRO Nulled (v3.3.7) + ExtraPack + Modules + Plugins Download [J3, J4]
02 Jul 2024
Version 3.3.7
Updated - UIkit 3 updated to v3.21.6
Updated - Foundation updated to v6.8.1
Fixed - Submissions can be confirmed only once to prevent re-sending emails.
Fixed - Some Form Layouts would generate unnecessary validation placeholders
for 'Free Text' and 'Field Preview' fields.
19 Jun 2024
Version 3.3.6
Added - 'Table Alignment' parameter for the 'Submissions - Directory' menu item.
Updated - 'Checkbox Group' and 'Radio Group' fields now use @m classes
when Form Layout is set to UIkit 3.
Updated - 'Submissions - Directory' menu item's 'Dynamic Filtering Values'
parameter now accepts static submission fields as well (e.g. DateSubmitted).
Fixed - 'Phone Number' field would not store the information when
'Use AJAX Validation' was set to 'Yes'.
Fixed - Saving old conditions would incorrectly order them last.
18 Jun 2024
Version 3.3.5
Added - 'Phone Number' field.
Updated - 'Conditional Fields' can now be reordered.
Updated - Dragging and dropping form fields now works on mobile devices.
Fixed - When sending emails, repeating the same email in
the recipient list would prevent further emails from being
sent due to how the Joomla! Mailer class works.