(v2.3.1) WooCommerce Wishlists Nulled
2024.02.27 - version 2.3.1
* Update: WC and WP Updates.
* Update: PHP 8.2+ compatibility.
* New: Added a Clone option on the Wishlist admin screen.
This will create a new list with the same items as the original list.
2023.12.05 - version 2.3.0
* Update: WC and WP Updates.
* Update: Filter the list of items on the view a list and edit list pages for published products only.
* Fix: Always render the list button on composite products regardless of stock status.
* New: Added shortcode to display a link to add the item to a users default list. [wc_wishlists_add_link product_id= /]
If product_id is not passed, the current product in the loop or in the global $product will be used.
You can pass a list id, or the default list will be used.
You can also pass a title, or use the product title by passing title="product_title"
* New: Added the concept of default lists. Future updates will allow user to select a default list from the My Account page.
* New: Use a quantity input on the view a list page.
That way when someone wants to add a specific quantity of an item they can.
2023.04.01 - version 2.2.10
* Update: WC and WP Updates.
* Fix: Fix issue where the wishlist button was not showing on the single product page for out of stock bundled products.
* Fix: Fix issue with WooCommerce Blocks in the admin area.