Nulled WooCommerce Pluginsv3.23.4 Measurement Price Calculator WooCommerce Free Download

v3.23.4 Measurement Price Calculator WooCommerce Free Download

WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator Nulled is an innovative and practical extension for WooCommerce-powered e-commerce stores. This plugin is specifically designed to cater to businesses that sell products in quantities based on dimensions, weight, area, or volume. It’s an essential tool for stores dealing with items like liquids, fabrics, flooring, or any other products requiring measurements for pricing. By integrating this calculator, WooCommerce store owners can offer a more flexible and accurate pricing model, enhancing the shopping experience for customers.

Measurement Price Calculator Nulled is tailored for e-commerce sites where products are sold based on their measurements. This extension is particularly beneficial for stores where products are not sold in fixed sizes or quantities, and prices vary depending on the amount the customer needs. It simplifies the process of calculating the price based on the customer’s specified measurements, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in pricing.

Overview of WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator

The plugin seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce, allowing customers to input their desired measurements, which are then used to calculate the price of the product. This feature is incredibly valuable for both customers and store owners, as it provides a clear and straightforward way to price products that require customization in size or volume. It’s a versatile tool that can be used across various industries and product types.

Features of WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator

  1. Customizable Measurement Units: Store owners can set up custom units of measurement, including dimensions, weight, area, and volume, catering to the specific needs of their products.
  2. Dynamic Pricing Calculation: The calculator dynamically calculates the price based on the customer’s input measurements, offering immediate and accurate pricing.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Customers can easily enter their desired measurements using a simple and intuitive interface on the product page.
  4. Pricing Table Based on Measurements: The plugin can generate pricing tables for products, showing different price points based on various measurements.
  5. Minimum and Maximum Measurements: Store owners can set minimum and maximum measurement limits, ensuring orders meet practical size or volume requirements.
  6. Variable Product Compatibility: The calculator works with WooCommerce’s variable products, allowing different variations of a product to have different measurement-based pricing.
  7. Stock Management Based on Measurements: It enables stock management based on the total measurement units available, ensuring accurate inventory tracking.
  8. Measurement Conversion: The plugin can automatically convert between different measurement units, catering to a global customer base.
  9. Customizable Display Options: Store owners can customize how measurement inputs and pricing are displayed on the product page.
  10. Bulk Product Handling: The extension supports bulk handling of products, making it easier to manage products that require measurement-based pricing.

Measurement Price Calculator WooCommerce Free Download is an invaluable extension for e-commerce businesses that sell products based on measurements. Its comprehensive range of features, from customizable measurement units and dynamic pricing calculation to user-friendly interfaces and stock management, provides a powerful solution for accurately pricing and managing such products. By enhancing the flexibility and precision of pricing models, this plugin not only improves the customer shopping experience but also streamlines the pricing and inventory management process for store owners. In a market where customization and accuracy are key to customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, Measurement Price Calculator Free Download emerges as a crucial tool for e-commerce success.

WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator Changelog

2024.07.10 - version 3.23.4

* Fix - Resolve a Pricing Table issue where certain measurement values were unable to be added to the cart
* Fix - Improve handling of non-US currency prices, particularly price per unit calculations for variable products
* Fix - Resolve an issue where customers are unable to manually enter a decimal length when an increment is specified
* Tweak - Ensure measurement values are saved in the database in the same format for both simple and variable products

Version 3.23.3

RELEASED ON 2024.07.02
Resolve an issue with the price calculator not allowing the width to be independently changed.
Resolve an issue with products "Sold Individually" unexpectedly having their price changed when updating the quantity of a different item in the same cart

Version 3.23.2

RELEASED ON 2024.04.22
Resolve an issue with variable products and decimal comma
separator where the incorrect default empty values would be saved for variations
Ensure that pricing calculator products are considered
in stock when they have a stock quantity greater than 0 but lower than 1
Do not allow user-defined negative input values when accepting free-form customer input
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