Nulled WordPress Plugins(v14.7.2) WP Statistics + Premium Addons Bundle Nulled

(v14.7.2) WP Statistics + Premium Addons Bundle Nulled

WP Statistics + Premium Addons Bundle Nulled is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to provide comprehensive insights into your website’s traffic and user behavior. This blog post will delve into the features, benefits, and comparisons of WP Statistics, helping you determine if it’s the right analytics solution for your website.

WP Statistics is a feature-rich analytics plugin for WordPress that offers detailed statistics about your website’s visitors, page views, and other key metrics. Unlike some external analytics tools, WP Statistics operates entirely within your WordPress installation, ensuring data privacy and control. Whether you’re a blogger, a business owner, or a developer, this plugin provides valuable insights to help you improve your site’s performance and user experience.

Key Features of WP Statistics

WP Statistics is packed with features that make it an excellent choice for website analytics. Here are some of the standout features:

  1. Visitor Tracking: WP Statistics tracks and records detailed information about your site’s visitors, including their IP address, location, browser, and operating system. This helps you understand who your audience is and how they interact with your site.
  2. Page and Post Statistics: The plugin provides detailed statistics for each page and post, showing the number of views and visitors over time. This helps you identify your most popular content and optimize it further.
  3. Real-Time Statistics: WP Statistics offers real-time data tracking, allowing you to see current visitor activity on your site. This feature is useful for monitoring traffic spikes and user engagement.
  4. Search Engine Referrals: The plugin tracks search engine referrals, showing you which keywords and search engines are driving traffic to your site. This information is vital for optimizing your SEO strategy.
  5. Comprehensive Reports: WP Statistics generates detailed reports that summarize your site’s performance metrics. These reports can be customized and exported for further analysis.

Design and Usability

One of the main strengths of WP Statistics is its design and usability. The plugin is visually appealing and user-friendly, ensuring that both site owners and administrators can easily access and interpret the data. Here are some aspects that highlight its design and usability:

  1. Intuitive Dashboard: WP Statistics features an intuitive dashboard that displays key metrics in a clear and organized manner. The dashboard includes charts, graphs, and tables that make it easy to understand your site’s performance at a glance.
  2. Customizable Widgets: The plugin includes customizable widgets that can be added to your WordPress dashboard or sidebar. These widgets provide quick access to important statistics without cluttering your site’s interface.
  3. Easy Setup and Configuration: WP Statistics is easy to set up and configure, with a straightforward installation process and user-friendly settings panel. You don’t need any technical knowledge to get started with the plugin.

Performance and Support

Performance and support are critical factors when choosing a WordPress analytics plugin, and WP Statistics + Premium Addons Bundle Free Download excels in both areas:

  1. Efficient Data Processing: The plugin is optimized for efficient data processing, ensuring that your site’s performance is not compromised by the analytics tracking. This is crucial for maintaining a fast and responsive website.
  2. Regular Updates: WP Statistics is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions and to provide new features and improvements. This ongoing support helps keep your site secure and functioning smoothly.
  3. Comprehensive Documentation: The plugin comes with detailed documentation that guides you through the setup and customization process. Additionally, the support team is responsive and helpful, providing assistance whenever you encounter issues.

WP Statistics is ideal for a wide range of website owners and administrators, including:

  1. Bloggers: Individual bloggers who want to track their site’s performance and understand their audience can benefit from WP Statistics’ detailed visitor and page view data.
  2. Business Owners: Small to medium-sized businesses that need to monitor their website traffic and optimize their online presence will find WP Statistics useful for tracking key performance metrics.
  3. Developers: Web developers who manage multiple WordPress sites can use WP Statistics to provide clients with detailed analytics and insights without relying on external services.
  4. Educational Institutions: Schools and universities that manage educational websites can use WP Statistics to track user engagement and optimize their content for better learning outcomes.
  5. Comprehensive Analytics: Offers detailed visitor tracking and page/post statistics.
  6. Data Privacy: Operates entirely within WordPress, ensuring data privacy and control.
  7. User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive dashboard and customizable widgets.
  8. Real-Time Statistics: Provides real-time data tracking for immediate insights.
  9. SEO Insights: Tracks search engine referrals and keywords.
  10. Resource Intensive: Can be resource-intensive for high-traffic sites.
  11. Limited Advanced Features: May lack some advanced features found in external analytics tools.
  12. No Cross-Site Tracking: Limited to individual WordPress installations, without cross-site tracking capabilities.

Comparison with Popular Alternatives

When choosing a WordPress analytics plugin, it’s essential to consider other options available. Here, we compare WP Statistics with four popular alternatives: Google Analytics, Jetpack Stats, MonsterInsights, and Matomo.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the industry standard for website analytics, offering a wide range of advanced features and insights. While Google Analytics is powerful, it can be complex to set up and may not provide the same level of data privacy as WP Statistics. Additionally, Google Analytics requires an external account and integration.

2. Jetpack Stats

Jetpack Stats is a popular plugin that provides basic analytics as part of the Jetpack suite of tools. It offers a simple and user-friendly interface but lacks some of the advanced features and detailed insights provided by WP Statistics Nulled. Jetpack Stats is ideal for users who need basic analytics without extensive customization.

3. MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that integrates Google Analytics with your site. It offers advanced features and detailed reports but requires a Google Analytics account and can be more complex to configure. MonsterInsights is suitable for users who need deep integration with Google Analytics.

4. Matomo

Matomo (formerly Piwik) is an open-source analytics platform that provides detailed insights and data privacy. Like WP Statistics Free Download, Matomo can be hosted on your own server, ensuring full control over your data. However, Matomo can be more resource-intensive and may require more technical expertise to set up and manage.

The right analytics plugin is crucial for understanding and optimizing your website’s performance. WP Statistics stands out for its comprehensive analytics, data privacy, user-friendly interface, and real-time statistics. While there are many great plugins available, WP Statistics’ focus on usability, performance, and privacy makes it a top choice for bloggers, business owners, developers, and educational institutions. Whether you’re looking to track visitor behavior, monitor page views, or optimize your SEO strategy, WP Statistics offers the tools you need to gain valuable insights and improve your website’s performance.


14.7.2 – 02.05.2024

Fixes: The Author menu display issue has been resolved.
Fixes: The query issue related to visitor and visit relationships has been corrected.
New: Added command wp statistics reinitialize to WP-CLI functionality for re-initialize the tables.

= 14.7.1 - 29.05.2024 =

* Fixes: Fixed date filter on post type and taxonomies page.
* Fixes: Fixed modify email subject with filter.
* Fixes: Fixed user online current page bug.
* Fixes: Fixed hashed IP bug in the visitor page filter.
* Fixes: Fixed register user ID bug for recording.
* Fixes: Fixed customization header banner by adding a new filter `wp_statistics_header_url`.
* Improvement: Cleaned up some legacy functionality and unusable options.
* Improvement: Built front-end script for modern browsers.
* Improvement: Improved the Statistics post's metabox styles and fixed related bugs.
* Improvement: Added a check for existing events table before upgrade.
* Improvement: Made minor enhancements.

= 14.7 - 20.05.2024 =

* Addition: Introduced Privacy Audit Tool to ensure compliance with privacy laws. [More info click here](
* Addition: Added two new database columns, region and continent, to the visitor table to enhance geographical data.
* Fixes: Resolved issues with the Date Picker filter and Visitor Map.
* Fixes: Fixed bug displaying archive page information on the online and visitors pages.
* Improvement: Improved tooltip display for browser pie charts.
* Improvement: Enhanced email report appearance for better readability and aesthetics.
* Improvement: Updated filters and styles for a better user experience.
* Improvement: Enhanced event scheduling and email handling for improved performance.
* Improvement: Refined language strings and an admin interface for easier use.
* Improvement: Merged REST API and Advanced Widgets settings into the main plugin settings for better management.
* Improvement: Showing the Hash IP properly in HitsMap modal.
* Improvement: Various minor enhancements to boost plugin stability and performance.

= 14.6.4 - 03.05.2024 =

* Fixes: Improved data comparison logic.
* Fixes: Fixed some fields visibility on settings page.
* Fixes: Fixed filter loading on Visitors page.
* Fixes: Fixed and improved the Convert IP Addresses to Hash in Optimization.
* Fixes: Fixed loading Date Picker in Visitors filter.
* Improvement: Updated plugin header and screenshots.
* Improvement: Add-ons settings page now located under Settings for simplicity.
* Improvement: Minor enhancements made.
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